In Eclipse, under your project expand external libraries and right-click, and select Open Library Settings.Have Java JDK already installed and an IDE like Eclipse.To connect the system with the database you will need to follow certain steps. In that package, we will be creating some files for different modules. The first step will be to create a new project. You must have java JDK installed on your system and we are using Eclipse IDE to build this project, you can use either this or Netbeans IDE. It’s a GUI-based project used with the Swing module to organize all the elements that work under bank management. Let’s get started! Bank Management System Project in Java: Project Overview Project Name: In this project, the users will be able to perform the following functionalities Login, Account details, View account balance, Deposit money and Withdraw the money. This project is great for those at an intermediate level in Java who want to advance their coding skills. In this article, we will build Bank Management System Project in Java and MySQL.